Sunday, May 5, 2013

"High as hell, can't you tell?
But damn I'm just not high enough"

Today's waking time: around 6 45 pm
Today's plan: not brood about yesterday or any of this week's out of nowhere unfair treatment and I'm currently making the treatment outline of a short Cinco De Mayo film that will not be finished until later tonight.

Whatever it's all the same day to me!!! :P

I need to work out more... and I need to eat more, concentrate on the little things less, and try new work ethics ~ camming can be so unmotivating but it makes my dollars dammit and I pay taxes so I better keep the job for as long as my body is that of a teenagers (by BodyOfATeen you're not a teen you're a mean 40+ yr old lady leave Scott alone!@#$%^&)


Ahem. :)

There's my cue to go, please everyone know I don't need your stress and anxiety, I've got my own... OHHH BLITZQREIG BOP is playing on the radio, shit I can't get up and dance to it I need to 1. outline 2. shower 3. change wash 4. give a fuck about --- 5. check MFC 6. recharge electronic devices and wipe memory cards from all the *filming* again :D I'm sooooo happy I am making lil films again. So so so so happy. But I'm secretly, well not to secretly now, not VideoGirl anymore ~ CassetteGirl bc I love to record so much even Steve called me "hey, Briana Log girl". Lol. Well so?! Sometimes I f*cking should be wearing a wire I feel and well things ARE on tape that are a good thing to replay. I chose not to record people though most of the time. They always copy me and record me when I least expect it then when I'm unhappy about this, it get's thrown back in my face...

Please. Take your mind out of the [ ------ ] AND PLEASE. Find a soul will many of you, I noticed you have none...

OH and ps.

Happy Cinco De Mayo ;)

(SINK - O De Mayo!)

*raises hand* I'm a soul!!! HEY! 
HI! I'm flesh and blood as well, BOTH wow! Can you believe that I haven't given up yet?!


Bring your ass over here and smoke one, bitch.